In the springtime, big fat bumblebees
fly clumsily and bumble-y.
They fly close to the ground.
Visit the crocus and the new grass.
Bumblebees are irresistible!
Fun to watch and fun to follow!
They let me listen to their buzzzzz language.
They let me smell them.
They let me put them on my tongue.
Why does Martha snap and push the
bumblebee out with a stick????
Not a cheese stick. A bee stick.
It's no big deal, I mumble and grumble.
I like the humble bumble.
It's only a bee.
I like when Jacoby makes a beeline to catch a fly ball.
He has a "B" on his baseball cap.
This silly man has BEES on his baseball cap.
I like when Tom tries to fly like a bumblebee.
Bumblebees are beeeeeeeautiful!
I like the poem: "The Girl with Bees in Her Hair"
by Eleanor Wilner. It's kind of gothic.
The bees in this poem are sort of scary.
Not like the bumblebees here that are
superbuzzy and nice and
tickle tongue crawly.
There's no mystery.
Bumblebees are irrepressibly velvety
and chuckle chummy great!!!!!!!!
bzzzzzzzzz, woof - Li Lu