Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm tired. I'll take a nap now.
I'm tired too. I'll take a nap now too.
But first I need my scarf to lie upon.
And my fuzzy hat. And my blue Totoro.
And my duck. And my stuffed squirrel.
And my birdie. And my rope twistie.
And my bones. And my rawhide.
And I'm going to dream about slippers.
Fuzzy red slippers.
And ruby red slippers.
And maybe dream about pretty socks.
Pretty red socks.
And maybe about the Red Sox.
I like bananas.
I like bananas too!
I like bananas too!
I like bananas too!
I don't like bananas.
They make my tongue feel fuzzy.
Same with me.
We like bananas. Sort of.
I like silly banana doggies. Woof. - Hazel
"Time flies like an arrow;
fruit flies like a banana." - Groucho Marx

Sunday, October 4, 2009


ha ha heeeeeeeeeeee
You will never catch meeeeeee!!!
I will beguile you with my subtle Shih Tzu smile.
I will entice you to the birdfeeder with the
aroma of peanuts and sunflower seeds.
It is futile to resist.
I'm hungry.
Silly doggies.
I am too fast, too smart, too agile for you.
I will catch you and shake you
in my powerful jaws.
I can hang from my claws.
Can you do that?
Who would want to?
Is it lunchtime yet?
When I am finished,
I will hit you with this peanut shell.
I like peanuts.

I double-dog dare you to come down here
so I can chase you!
Come and get me you earthbound shortcakes!
I love shortcake!

I am bored with doggies.
When I catch you, I will bite your ugly fluffy tail!
Catch me if you can doggies!!!!!!!!!
Do you think squirrels taste like chicken?
woof woof woof

Friday, October 2, 2009


when I was a puppy
my hair grew faster than my legs
for a time
I went through a fuzzy caterpillar stage
you could not tell which of my ends
was the front or the back
one day
it was in springtime
I ran through the garden
(it was the shortest route from point A to point B)
my hair was over my eyes
my legs were too short for my speed
I ran right into a bucket
this is the actual bucket of which my head
produced a thunder sound upon:
no worries, mate
buckets carry no grudge by me
I like buckets for what they can do

a day at the beach is better with buckets
any beach by the bay
or a beach on

here is Boston's Bay when he worries about
being sent down to
so he gets out a bat, hits all the balls in the bucket
aiming for a .318 like Hall Of Famer
Kirby Puckett
now I watch where I am running
in a shortcut or a race
on a run at the beach or any old place
woof - Hazel
P.S. Martha calls me her "little love bucket" and
I'm smart enough not to eat bees.
I do not eat bees! I let them go on my tongue!
Big difference!!!!!
woof - Li Lu

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


In the springtime, big fat bumblebees
fly clumsily and bumble-y.
They fly close to the ground.
Visit the crocus and the new grass.
Bumblebees are irresistible!
Fun to watch and fun to follow!
They let me listen to their buzzzzz language.
They let me smell them.
They let me put them on my tongue.
Why does Martha snap and push the
bumblebee out with a stick????
Not a cheese stick. A bee stick.
It's no big deal, I mumble and grumble.
I like the humble bumble.
It's only a bee.
I like when Jacoby makes a beeline to catch a fly ball.
He has a "B" on his baseball cap.
This silly man has BEES on his baseball cap.
I like when Tom tries to fly like a bumblebee.
Bumblebees are beeeeeeeautiful!
by Eleanor Wilner. It's kind of gothic.
The bees in this poem are sort of scary.
Not like the bumblebees here that are
superbuzzy and nice and
tickle tongue crawly.
There's no mystery.
Bumblebees are irrepressibly velvety
and chuckle chummy great!!!!!!!!
bzzzzzzzzz, woof - Li Lu