Sunday, October 4, 2009


ha ha heeeeeeeeeeee
You will never catch meeeeeee!!!
I will beguile you with my subtle Shih Tzu smile.
I will entice you to the birdfeeder with the
aroma of peanuts and sunflower seeds.
It is futile to resist.
I'm hungry.
Silly doggies.
I am too fast, too smart, too agile for you.
I will catch you and shake you
in my powerful jaws.
I can hang from my claws.
Can you do that?
Who would want to?
Is it lunchtime yet?
When I am finished,
I will hit you with this peanut shell.
I like peanuts.

I double-dog dare you to come down here
so I can chase you!
Come and get me you earthbound shortcakes!
I love shortcake!

I am bored with doggies.
When I catch you, I will bite your ugly fluffy tail!
Catch me if you can doggies!!!!!!!!!
Do you think squirrels taste like chicken?
woof woof woof

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